Frequently Asked Questions


These are a few frequently asked questions about our treatments. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions.

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How many treatments does it take for hair to be completely removed or significantly reduced?

8-10 treatments are typical. Every client is different and we will discuss in your consultation.

How many treatments will I need for a PhotoFacial to get my desired results?

3-5 depending on what concerns we are targeting.

Are skin tightening treatments safe?

Yes all treatments offered are safe and taken seriously.

What should I expect for the skin tightening treatment process?

Depending on the skin tightening treatment you choose, but most commonly, possible soreness, bruising, redness, swelling, ect....

Do you have payment plan options?

I offer an in-house By Now, Pay Later option through Cherry® Payment Plans. It's almost immediate, and you can get pre-approved, even prior to your apt. You can apply online through my link OR apply at your appointment with me.

What is your most popular treatment for women who would like a simple confidence booster, but don't want much downtime?

IPL photofacial is the most popular treatment and confidence booster for women. It has such an overall targeting ability. Little downtime. And completely renews and rejuvenates your skin at a cellular level.

What should I expect in a consultation with you? Time, cost. etc?

A consultation takes 15-30 minutes, we go over any concerns or treatments of interest with you, what to expect and come up with a specific treatment plan that will be best for you, cost of treatment, and expectations.

What is body contouring? Does is hurt?

There are a couple different body contouring options, so depending on which treatment you choose, one uses ultrasound cavitation that's used to break apart fat deposits in the body, followed by a lymph drainage technique, finishing up with radio frequency skin tightening. Sublime skin tightening works to restore and promote new collagen from the inside out. However, its main purpose is to tighten the skin and give it a more contoured look. Sublime uses a bi-polar radio frequency energy and deep infrared heat to penetrate to the dermal layer of skin, to stimulate collagen and elastin.